All in all, I love cars, fashion and travel and with these things it just feels natural to call myself The Lifestyle Driver.

Who and what is The Lifestyle Driver?

That’s a fairly easy quoestion. I am a dude that has a passion for cars, fashion and travel, which the name The Lifestyle Driver defines. The word lifestyle is a broad word, but both fashion and travel goes under it and the word driver, well that is a pretty straight forward word, basically driving anything that is cool, mostly cars, but also other things that move, motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles and in the past I have even flown airplanes.

I like to drive with style but as much as driving in style I still have a passion for speed the same way as I was a teenager, the faster a machine could go the happier I was, well as a kid the speed was not mindblowing as it was more like going 40, 50 or even 60 km/h downhill on a bicycle. And as I have grown older, the speed have also gotten a bit faster. At the moment the fastest I have driven is about 295 km/h with the BMW Z3 M Coupe I owned many years ago.

On the lifestyle side I have always loved travelling and I was fortunate to be able to see a big part of Europe with my parents when I was a little kid. It was not luxury hotels and fast cars, it was just regular family travel on a small budget going camping through Europe with a car and a tent, all the way to Venice in Italy from Finland where i live. But even if it was travelling on a small budget I had the change of seing the world, and as a small kid that had a huge impact on me. And ever since I have travelled as much as I can, but even if I have seen a lot of places I still have many places to see, like for example Japan is a place that I still want to experience, both the the big cities like Tokyo and going snowboarding in the mountains of Japan.

Snowboard freeriding Austria Alps
Fox fur hoodie in BMW 6 series

Fashion also goes under lifestyle and I have always had a passion for fashion. I customized my some of my clothes when I was a 11 year old kid, because I thought it was cool what I saw in a skateboard competition on tv and cut my t-shirt to look just as cool as the skateboarder competing in the competition on tv.

On top of t-shirts and other clothing there are a couple of things that I just love, they are watches, hats, shoes and sunglasses. Which I used to spend pretty much all my money that I got or saved when I was a kid. The passion for all the items have continued through my life with the difference that I don’t have to spend all my money to get cool sunglasses or shoes.