2004 BMW 645 SMG transmission problems E63

Read about the UPDATE HERE!

This is the story that started back in the beginning of 2019, a long long nerv wrecking frustrating search of the BMW 645 SMG transmission problem so that I would be able to get it repaired.

The car has been back and forth to a total of 5 repair shops all claiming they are BMW specialists, it has so far taken over 3 and a half years. It has been repaired then from sometimes the same day it has claimed to be repaired to sometimes a year and the symptoms have come back, then repaired again, and symptoms back again, sometimes covered by warranty and sometimes covered by my own pockets.

One of the most frustrating parts is that nobody has been able to tell me with confidence what is causing the break down of the systems around the SMG transmission, mainly the hydraulic system is braking down.

So far things that have been changed or repaired, a lot of them a total waste of money and time where nobody has really know what is causing everything:
– Battery
– Fuses
– Relays
– Wires
– Clutch
– Wheelbearings to the driveshaft (twice, first new one was faulty so changed a new one covered by warranty)
– Hydraulic pump (3 times)
– Solenoids (all three) cleaned and tested (claimed to be fully working and no problems by repair shop)
– Cutch slave cylinder repaired (sometimes also called clutch actuator)
– On of the fuseboxes changed to new one
– A pin repaired in the main ECU connection

I will update this story with comprehensive details of what has been diagnosed, what has been repaired as well as my own testing and diagnosing and hopefully a full solution. The good part is that at the moment it seems to be nearing a complete solution.

This is where it all started: